02922 8774810
  Schlossstrasse 5 • 59457 Werl


We're looking forward to our friends from Werl visiting us from the 16th - 24th of June. A busy week of intensive rehearsals and a bit of sight-seeing is planned, with our concert taking place on Saturday 22 June at 8pm. Yes, we know it's Beltane week - what better way to show our guests a bit of Borders tradition!

The concert will showcase performances by the choir, ceilidh band, orchestra and jazz band and will feature music by Queen, Tim Minchin, Michael Nyman, Karl Jenkins, Mark Knopfler, Howard Goodall and more.

Tickets cost £4 and are available from the school office and Whitie's Books & Crafts.

With thanks to Kaerdy MacDonald for her amazing poster.


02922 8774810

Schlossstr. 5, 59457 Werl